tisdag 3 december 2013

hello today and I'll tell you a bit more about So. And then we start with yesterday, I worked with climate zones and they were polar zone, tropical zone, subtropical zone, and finally purified temp zone. It was also super boring for one in my class named Emi was so lasting and decided everything. We did not bestäma anything at all but she got bestäma most and when I say most I mean everything. And if you do not know, climate zones, tropical zone as you do a lot of paper off the trees, and it rains a lot in the rain forests and it is hot super hot. And the other is the polar climate zone and where there are polar bears and penguins and you can even build igloo and plus it's super cold there in should know that. And, the third is the sub-tropical zone and where there are camels, cactus, zebras and lots of other animals. And the last is tempernadezonen, and we take Sweden as a country and then we have the seasons and tree icons. :D

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